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^[[Chicago American]]
[[?]]DAY, JANUARY 4, 1939           *     11
Chryslers, Honore Palmer at Arts Club Show
Young Violinist, Robert Virovai's First Concert at Arts Club

THE OPENING of the Arts Club's first 1939 show yesterday brought three distinguished visitors to town, the junior Walter Chryslers, whose Picasso collection is an important part of the exhibit, and Honore Palmer Sr., whose son, the late Honore Palmer Jr., is represented by fifteen paintings in the show.

Mr. Palmer's Chicago stay is brief. The guest of his brother, Potter Palmer, and Mrs. Palmer, who is chairman of the house committee of the Arts Club, he came to the tea yesterday to chat with old friends and hear their enthusiastic praise of his son's talent.

The Chryslers were at the tea, too, young Mrs. Chrysler in cyclamen red and a piquant white-winged black sailor. They are visiting the Chauncey McCormicks and last night they and their hosts joined the Charles B. Goodspeeds' box party at the Ballet. The Arts Club, having launched its first show on a high tide of enthusiasm and orange pekoe, is now ready with another treat for its members. The club, which never sponsors any artist after he has appeared elsewhere in Chicago, has secured the young violinist, Robert Virovai, for his first Chicago recital a week from Sunday night. Virovai has already played with the Symphony Orchestra, but this is his first solo appearance.

The program will be preceded by a dinner for members and their guests at 7:30. Mr. Virovai has proved to be the sensation of the season wherever he has played, and in New York his debut was one of the most exciting ever heard in Carnegie Hall. In fact, honors have been accorded the young violinist all along the line. At the age of 10 he played his first program at the royal palace in Belgrade before King Alexander; during his student years in Budapest he was the favorite pupil of Hubay, teacher of Szigeti, and only a little over a year ago he won first prize in the international contest for violinists and 'cellists in Vienna, where he appeared as an unknown.
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