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^[[Chicago Daily News Dec 29/32]]

Three Exhibits Open at Arts Club Tuesday


THE Arts club, which like other city clubs ceases to be anything but a place in which members give parties during the hectic Christmas holidays, will come back to its own next week.

On Tuesday afternoon there will be a tea to open three interesting exhibitions and there will be two guests of honor. On Wednesday morning there will be an illustrated lecture.

The shows to be seen for the first time at the tea are paintings by Juan Gris, drawings by Pablo Picasso and paintings by Honore Palmer Jr. Gris, who died in 1927, was a young Spaniard who belonged to Picasso's group in Paris. He painted mainly in the abstract, of course. Several of his paintings have been shown at various times at the Arts club, but this is his first one man show in Chicago.

Junior Chryslers Will Be Guests.

The Picasso drawings are from the collection of Walter P. Chrysler Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chrysler are coming from their home in New York for the tea. This is not the first time the young connoisseur of modern art has been the especial guest at an Arts club tea. He was here just two years ago when works from his collection were shown in the club galleries. There was no Mrs. Chrysler then, however, for Miss Peggy Sykes of New York and Mr. Chrysler were not married until last April.

The paintings of the late Mr. Palmer, who died at the age of 29 last February, will be of unusual interest to Chicagoans, for the only works of his that they have seen heretofore are the murals in the main bar of the Palmer House. He did have a successful show in New York several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Honore Palmer Sr. are at their winter home in Sarasota, Fla., and it is doubtful if they will be here for the tea next week.

The lecture Wednesday morning will be given by a Frenchman although his name, Charles Sterling, sounds much more English or American than French. His subject will be "The Development of Portrait Paintings from Fouquet to Cezanne." He is an attaché of the picture department of the Louvre and is a well-known art critic in France.

World Affairs Council
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