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Caroline Co.
Denton Md. School House

[[table 4 columns]]
[[Date | Item | Unit Price | Total]]

  | Per bill of Lewis Brown |  | 
June 17 | For hauling lumber to boat for School House at Denton 7 loads @ $2.50 | 17.50 | $17.50
  | From Hospital Wards. |  | 
May 30" | 28 Rafters 16 ft long 3 x 4 |  | 
  | 40 Joists 24 ft long 3 x 6 |  | 
  | 15 Joints 24 ft long 3 x 4 |  | 
  | 600 ft. 1/2 in. siding for front end |  | 
  | 2000 ft. flooring |  | 
  | 6000 [[strikethrough]] Lath [[/strikethrough]] Shingles |  | 
  | Shipped to Jonathan Tyler - Denton, Md. |  | 

  | Transferred from Potters Landing, Md. (See page 72.) |  | 
June 29 | 44 Glazed sashes @ 2.88 8/10 | 126.96 | 
  | 22 Window frames @ 2.59 2/10 | 57.00 | 183.76
  | Per bill of Martin Lutz. Drayman |  | 
Sept 23" | Hauling Shingles & Bricks from Hicks Hosp. to Schr. "Star" 9 loads @ $2.50 | 22.50 | 22.50

  | Per bill of Henry Lichner Drayman |  | 
Sept 23" | For Hauling Lumber from Hicks Hosp. to boat for Denton being one load @ $2.50 |  | 2.50

  | Per bill of Thos. Trotton & Sons |  | 
Sept 23" | For 40 Bush Lime @ .60¢ | 24.00 | 
  | 10 bush. Hair @ 50¢ | 5.00 | 
  | 3 Hghds @ 1.50 | 4.50 | 33.50

  | Per bill of Jno. C. Turner & Co. |  | 
Sept 23" | For 1103 ft Flooring @ $38.00 | 41.90 | 
  | 502 ft Flooring @ 50.00 | 25.10 | 
  | 150 ft Pine Lumber dressed @ 75.00 | 11.25 | 78.25
  | Carried forwd |  | $338.02

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Denton (Continued)

[[table 4 columns]]
[[Date | Item | Unit Price | Total]]
  | (Turners Bill Cont'd) Bro't forward |  | 338.02

Sept 23" | For 479 ft P. Lumber, strips @ $35.00 | 16.76 | 
  | 513 ft P. Lumber 52.50 | 26.93 | 
  | 6000 Laths 4.25 | 25.50 | 
  | 204 ft Siding 33.00 | 6.93 | 75.92 
  |  | Total | 154.18
  | Bill of E Pratt & Bro' |  | 
Sept 23" | For 1 Keg nails (d3) @ 6.75 | 6.75 | 
C.B. Sept 30" | 2 Keg nails (8d) @ 5.75 | 11.50 | 
  | Drayage | .50 | 18.75

  | Per Bill of C. Sidney Norris & Co. |  | 
Sept 23 | For 3 prs Loose butts 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 & Screws @ 35 | 1.05 | 
  | 3 prs Loose butts 3 x 3 & Screws @ 30 | .90 | 
  | 2 doz Parlaiment 3 in. @ 1.50 | 3.00 | 
  | 2 gr. Screws 7/8-10 53 | 1.06 | 6.01

  | Per bill of J. Tylor |  | 
Oct 2" | For 200 LBS Nails @ 8¢ | 16.00 | 
C.B. Oct. 22" | 60 LBS Nails @ 9¢ | 5.40 | 
  | 205 ft Scantling @ $21.00 Ft | 4.30 | 25.70

  | From Hicks Hospital |  | 
Sept 21" | 3000 Shingles |  | 
  | 4000 Bricks |  | 

  | Per bill of W.W. Maughlin & Sons |  | 
Sept 23" | For 1 Pair double doors 5 x 7 Sqr. 1 3/8 | 8.26 | 
  | 3 Pannel Doors 2.8 x 6.8 sqrd 1 3/8 @ $4.20 | 12.60 | 
  | 3 Pannel Doors frames 2.8 x 5.8 @ 2.38 | 7.14 | 
  | 1 Trans. Door frame 5 x 7 - 16" Trans. | 3.50 | 
  | 1 Trans. Sash 5. 1/10" x 16 | 1.00 | 32.50

  | Per bill of Wm H. Barney |  | 
Sept 30 C.B. Sept. 30" | For services of Schr. "Star" conveying building materials to Denton Md | 28.00 | 

  | Amt carried forward Pg 138 |  | $524.90