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Catonsville Md. School House

[[table 4 columns]]
[[Date | Item | Unit Price | Total]]

1868 | Per bills of W W Maughlin & Sons |  |
Jan 13 | For Hauling the following building material to Catonsville |  |
  | 1 Load 5.00  Toll .40¢ | 5.40 | 5.40

  | Maughlin's bill of Lumber |  |
Jan 13 | 3 Door frames 3.0 x 7.0 @ 3.00 | 9.00 |
  | 3 Door 3.0 x 7.0 sq. wk 1 3/8 @ 4.94 | 14.82 |
  | 8 Window frames 10/16, 12 Ltd. @ 2.96 | 23.68 |
  | 1 Trans. Door frame 4.6 x 7.6 | 4.00 |
  | 1 pr. Front Doors 4.6' x 7.6 Sq wk. | 7.96 |
  | 1 Trans. Sash 18" x 4.6 glazed | 1.50 |
  | 8 Windows of sash 10/16 L2 Lt glazed @ 4.32 | 34.56 | 95.52

  | Per bill of Jas & John Harris |  |
Feby 28 | 22 Perches Stone @ $1.50 | 33.00 |
  | 37 Bu. Lime @ 20¢ | 7.40 |
  | 4 loads Sand @ $2. | 8.00 |
  | Cash Book 28" Feby. '68 |  | 48.40

  | Per Bill of Sullivan & Shipley |  |
Feby 27 | 595 ft. Sills, Girders & Plates @ 4¢ | 23.80 |
  | 1540 ft. Joists @ 2 3/4¢ | 42.35 |
  | 324 ft. Posts & Ties @ 4¢ | 12.96 |
  | 3664 ft. Pick'd Culls @ $32. pr. [[?]] | 117.25 |
  | 350 ft. Pick'd Culls dressed @ $45. pr. [[?]] | 15.75 |
  | 1818 ft. Rough Culls (Sheathing) @ 2 3/4¢ | 50.00 |
  | 546 ft. Strips (for weatherboarding) @ 3 1/2¢ | 19.11 |
  | 1402 ft. Flooring at $35. pr. [[?]] | 49.07 |
  | 800 ft. Flooring wainscoating at $50 pr. [[?]] | 40.00 |
  | 2079 ft. Scantling @ 2 3/4¢ | 57.17 |
  | 792 ft. Scantling (Rafters) @ 3¢ | 23.76 |
  | 12000 Shingles at $10. pr. [[?]] | 120.00 |
  | 6000 Laths at $4.75 pr. [[?]] | 28.50 |
  | 300 lbs. Nails 6d 8d & 10d @ 6 1/2¢ | 19.50 |
  | 80 lbs. Nails 3d @ 7 1/4¢ | 5.80 |
  | Cash Book 29" Feby '68 |  | 625.02

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Freedmen's School House at Millersville Md.

[[table 4 columns]]
[[Date | Item | Unit Price | Total]]

1867 | Per bill of William Allen |  |
Oct. 8" | For 1290 ft. Pine Lumber at $2.50 pr. hund. | 32.25 |
  | 101 ft. Pine Lumber at 6¢ per foot | 6.06 |
  | 150 Strips (3 in. by 12 ft.) at 16 2/3 each | 25.00 |
  | 9000 Laths at $5 pr. [[?]] | 45.00 |
  | 76 lbs. Nails (4d) at 6¢ pr. pound | 4.56 |
  | 100 lbs. Nails (10d) at 6¢ pr. pound | 6.00 |
  | 40 Bushels Lime @ 50¢ pr. bu. | 20.00 |
  | 9 Bushels Hair @ 32¢ pr. bu. | 2.88 |
  | 2 Galls. Linseed Oil @ $1.70 pr. Gall | 3.40 |
  | 25 lbs. Zinc @ 14¢ pr. pound | 3.50 |
  | 1 Gall. Turpentine | .90 |
  | 1 lb. Umber | .25 |
  | 10,000 Shingles (chestnut) at $10 pr [[?]] | 100.00 |
  | Cash Book 21" Feby. "68 |  | $249.80