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Freedmen's School House at Cross Keys Md.

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School House at Catonsville Md.

[[table 4 columns]]
[[Date | Item | Unit Price | Total]]

1868 | Per bill of Samuel W. Owens |  | 
May 1 | For 12 Bushels Hair @ .50 | 6.00 | 
  | For 66 Bushels Lime @ .50 | 33.00 | 
  | For 7 Loads Sand @ $2.00 | 14.00 | 
  | For 580 Bricks @ $10.00 per [[?]] | 5.80 | $58.80
  | Per bill of F. Misel |  | 
May 14 | For 5 Prs. Hinges & Screws | 1.00 | 
  | For 1 Front Door Lock | 1.50 | 
  | For 3 Knob Latches & 2 Bolts | 1.75 | 
  | For 1 Set Fixtures for Small Door | 1.25 | $5.50
  | Per bill of George Wells |  | 
May 22 | For 150 Lbs. White Lead @ .15 | 22.50 | 
  | For 10 Lbs. Dryer @ .18 | 1.80 | 
  | For 20 Galls. Linseed Oil @ $1.25 | 25.00 | 
  | For 1 Gall. Turpentine | .70 | $50.00

  |  |  | 114.30