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[[preprinted]] No. 23.
N O T E.

Two to be sent to the Quartermaster General's Office, one with abstracts and vouchers, and one without them.

[[preprinted]] [[strikethrough]] MONTHLY [[/strikethrough]] RETURN OF [[strikethrough]] QUARTERMASTERS [[/strikethrough]] STORES
^[[pertaining to the Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Aband'd Lands.]]

Received, issued, and remaining on hand at ^[[Washington D C]] in the [[strikethrough]] month of [[/strikethrough]] ^[[period from December 1st]], 18^[[65 To October 31st 1866.]]
By ^[[Rev: John Kimball
Supt Schools D.C.]] [[strikethrough]] Quartermaster [[/strikethrough]]


The property on this return will be classed as follows, vis:
1.  Fuel.
2.  Forage.
3.  Straw.
4.  Stationary.
5.  Barrack, Hospital, and Office furniture.
6.  Means of transportation, including harness, &c.
7.  Building materials.
8.  Veterinary tools and Horse medicines.
9.  Blacksmiths' tools.
10. Carpenters' tools.
11. Wheelwrights' tools.
12. Masons' and Bricklayers' tools.
13. Miscellaneous tools for fatigue and garrison purposes.
14. Stores for expenditure—such as Iron, Steel, Horse-shoes, Rope, &c., &c., to be classed alphabetically