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[[strikethrough]] MONTHLY [/strikethrough]] RETURN OF [[strikethrough]] QUARTERMASTER'S [/strikethrough]] STORES ^[[[[underlined]] pertaining to the Bureau RF & AL [/underlined]] received.

[[preprinted inventory record]]
[[3 column table]]
Date | Abstracts, &c.| Classes | 

^[[Dec 1. 1865 to Oct 31. 1866]] |   |   |
   | Per last return| On hand |

   | Absract D | Received by Purchase |

   | "[[ditto for Abstract]] E | "[[ditto for Received]] from officers. |

   | "[[ditto for Abstract]] N | Fabricated, taken up, &c. |

Total to be accounted for___[blank]___

   | Per Abstract F | Fuel |
   | "[[ditto for Per Abstract]] | Forage |
   | "[[ditto for Per Abstract]] H| Straw |
   | "[[ditto for Per Abstract]] I| Stationery
   | "[[ditto for Per Abstract]] K| Special Issues |
   | "[[ditto for Per Abstract]] L| Expended, sold, &c. |
   | "[[ditto for Per Abstract]] M| Issued and transferred |

Total issued and expended ____[Blank]___

^[[October 31 1866]] Total remaining on hand..

   | Condition 1 | In good order |
   |           2 | Unfit for service, but repairable |
   |           3 | Totally unfit for service |
[[end preprinted table]]