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We present the following account based upon the foregoing statements. 
DR.  Corporation of Washington in a/c with the Trustees of Colored Schools.  Cr.

[[5 column table]]

To fund, from 21st May 1862 to 39th June 1863. | 346 50 | July 16th 1864. | By Warrant from the City Register | 700

To fund, from 1st July 1863 to 25th June 1864. | 396 58 | Feb. 16th 1865. | By Warrant from the City Register | 700

To fines &c, from 25th June 1864, to 30th June 1865. | 1291 14 | May 15th 1865. | 1st July 1863 to 25th June 1864. | 396 58 | Feb. 16th 1865. | By Warrant from the City Register | 744 70

To fines &c, for the fiscal year ended June 30th 1866. | 188 39 | Oct. 10th 1865. | 1st July 1863 to 25th June 1864. | 396 58 | Feb. 16th 1865. | By Warrant from the City Register]] | 7989 63

To fund from 25th 1864, to 30th June 1864. | 114 26 | --- | By Balance | 9159 39 

To fund for fiscal year ended June 30th 1865. | 8883 83 | --- | --- | ---

To fund for fiscal year ended June 30th 1866. | 8073 02 | --- | --- | ---

| --- | 19293 72 | --- | --- | ---

To Balance June 30th 1866. | 9159 39 | --- | --- | ---

Respectfully submitted
J. O. Wilson Trustee    } Public Schools.
R. T. Morsell Treasurer }