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(In Millions)

[[6 column table]]
[[underlined]] Appropriation Accounts and Major Projects | FY 1988 | FY 1989 | FY 1990 | FY 1991 | FY 1993 [[/underlined]]

Smithsonian Construction:
Tropical Research Institute | $ 2.8 | $4.4
Whipple Observatory | 4.5 
Contruction Planning | 1.4 | 1.4 | 1.4 | 1.4 | 1.4
General Post Office |---| 3.0 
Cooper- Hewitt |---| |---| $ 12.5
NASM/Dulles |---| |---| 2.4 | $29.6
Adminstrative Services Ctr | [[/underlined]]---| |---| |---| |---| $30.2 [[/underlined]]
Subtotal  | $8.7 | $8.8 | $16.3 | $31.0 | $31.6

Restoration and Renovations | $19.1 | $24.0 | $26.0 | $29.0 | $32.0

National Zoological Park Construction and Improvements:
Olmstead Walk and Entranceway | $3.3
Research Facility | 3.0
Aquatic Habtitats | --- | $7.0 | $13.0
Parking | --- | ---  | 1.5 | 12.0
Grassland and Forest Exhibits | --- | --- | --- | 1.5 | $15.0
Rock Creek R&R | 1.8 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 2.0 | 2.0
Front Royal Development and
R&R | [[underlined]] .7 | 1.8 | 1.6 | 2.8 | .8 [[/underlined]]
Subtotal | $8.8 | $10.5 | $17.9 | $18.3 | $17.8

TOTAL | $36.6 | $43.3 | $60.2 | $78.3 | $81.4 [[/table]]

Legislation is pending authorizing appropriation of $1,000,000 for the master planning at Dulles Airport.  The legislation contemplates the use of non-Federal funds for construction, and if passed would require a change in funding efforts.

In looking beyond fiscal year 1992, the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] will continue to highlight the Institution's increasing emphasis on developing scientific, historical, and arts and humanities research, public education, and exhibition activities.  Special attention will also be paid to expanding the international character of the Institution. Longer range studies and research interests include archeometry, anthropological disciplines, species conservation and propagation, biological diversity, astrophysics, and historical studies and research into arts and humanities, especially as they relate to the national collections. In describing facilities development in ensuing year, projects to be covered will include potential further development of the property at the Museum Support Center in Suitland, the environmental research station at Edgewater, a possible building at Poplar Point to house a new Anacostia Neighborhood Museum, construction of astronomical instruments and facilities, and an administrative office building.

[[underlined]] Museum Restaurant Facilities and Operations [[/underlined]]

The Regents received a detailed account of the processes followed in soliciting and reviewing competitive bids for all areas of