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An amount of $200,972,000 is proposed in the Salaries and Expenses account, an increase of $10.9 million over the fiscal year 1987 request to Congress.  Of this amount $4.0 million covers inflationary costs in utilities, pay, rent and other objects of expense.  The remaining $6.9 million is for  program growth of which $3.4 million falls within the OMB target for fiscal year 1988 and $3.5 million over target.  The within-target increase emphasizes research initiatives and facility support costs.  Important research projects include support for the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's new Tupper Laboratory and Conference Center, the National Museum of Natural History's arctic research, the National Museum of American Art's fieldwork for the Inventory of American Sculpture, and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's submillimeter astronomy program.  Funding increases sought for facilities support cover important programs in the health and safety area, such as hazardous waste disposal and asbestos removal, as well as correcting an initial base shortage in the Office of Place Services.

The over-target increase of $3.5 million will fund additional important enhancements in research, exhibitions, administrative and support activities.  Noteworthy here are exhibition initiatives for the Sackler Gallery and the Columbus Quincentenary, further support for the submillimeter astronomy program, improvement of exhibition halls at the National Museum of Natural History and basic improvements in facilities management.  Also included in the fiscal year 1988 budget is $525,000 to plan and design for the conversion of the Multiple Mirror Telescope to a large diameter single lens telescope.  This amount is being requested in a separate budget account and is illustrative of special one-time