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Source & Application of Funds   Schedule D
($1,000s)   Estimate FY 1988
(Excluding Foreign Currency Program)

[[table, 7 columns]]
[[double-underlined]] OPERATING FUNDS [[/double-underlined]] | -- | -- | [[underlined]] Unrest. Trust Funds [[/underlined]]
-- | [[underlined]] Federal Approps. | Government Gr. & Cont | General | Sp. Purp. | Trust Funds | Total Op. Funds

FUNDS PROVIDED: [[/underlined]]
Federal Appropriation | 200,972 | - | - | - | --- | 200,972
Investments | - | - | 4,500 | 834 | 4,726 | 10,060
Gifts, Grants & Contracts | - | 25,835 | 50 | 211 | 11,564 | 37,660
Self-generated - Gross Rev.
  Auxiliary Acts.(Sch.F) | - | - | 170,865 | - | - | 170,865
  Bureaus | - | - | - | 7,475 | - | 7,475
Other Misc. | [[underlined]]
Total Income | 200,972 | 25,835 | 29,820 | 4,067 | 18,257 | 431,005 
Less Expenses - Self Gener.
  Auxiliary Acts.(Sch.F) | - | - | (145,705) | - | - | (145,705)
  Bureaus | [[underlined]] - | - | - | (6,352) | - | (6,352) [[/underlined]]
Net Funds Provided | 200,972 | 25,835 | 29,820 | 4,067 | 18,254 | 278,948

[[underlined]] FUNDS APPLIED: (NET) [[/underlined]]
Research | 36,413 | 23,258 | 3,974 | 982 | 1,672 | 66,299
  Less: SAO O/H Recovery | - | - | (2,8200 | - | - | (2,820)
Museums | 74,031 | 1,379 | 1,903 | 3,085 | 10,370 | 90,768
Public Service | 2,407 | - | 2,115 | 1 | - | - | 4,523
Dir. of Intl. Activities | 888 | - | 742 | 175 | 369 | 2,174
Special Programs | 10,108 | 1,198 | 1,137 | 9,924 | 594 | 22,961
Associates Programs/Bus. Mgmt | - | - | 947 | 454 | 23 | 1,424
Administration - SI | 18,249 * | - | 11,506 | 424 | 99 | 30,278
  Less: SI O/H Recovery | - | - | (9,000) | - | - | (9,000)
Facilities Services | [[underlined]] 58,876 | - | 2,011 | 195 | 7 | 61,089 [[/underlined]]
  Total Funds Applied |  [[double-underlined]] 200,972 | 25,835 | 12,515 | 15,240 | 13,134 | 267,696 [[/double-underlined]]

[[underlined]] TRANSFERS [[/underlined]] : Out(In)
Current Funds
-Bureau Revenue Sharing | - | - | 985 | (985) | - | -
-NASM Theatre | - | - | (660) | 660 | - | -
-Fellowships | - | - | 3,040 | (3,040) | - | -
-Special Programs | - | - | 7,425 | (7,425) | - | -
-Other | - | - | 915 | (1,277) | 362 | -
Endowment Funds | [[underlined]] - | - | 3,500 | - | 979 | 4,479 [[/underlined]]
Total Transfers | [[double-underlined]] - | - | 15,205 | (12,067) | 1,341 | 4,479 [[/double-underlined]]

[[underlined]] CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE | - | 0 | 2,100 | 894 | 3,779 | 6,773

ENDING FUND BALANCE [[/underlined]] | [[double-underlined]] - | 372 | 4,772 | 19,619 | 13,401 | 38,164 [[/double-underlined]] [[/table]]

[[table, 3 columns]]
[[underlined]] OTHER ACCOUNTS | Federal Appropriations | Nonfederal Funds
instrumentation Funds | 525 [[/underlined]] | -
[[underlined]] Construction Funds [[/underlined]]
  National Zoological Park | 8,821 | -
  Restoration and Renovation of Bldgs. | 19,114 | -
  Tropical Research Institute | 2,800 | -
  Whipple Observatory Base Camp | 4,500 | -
  Construction Planning | [[underlined]] 1,350 [[/underlined]] | -
    Total construction | [[underlined]] 36,585 [[/underlined]]
  TOTAL OTHER ACCOUNTS | [[double-underlined]] 37,110 [[/double-underlined]] | - [[/table]]

*Includes 3,208 for necessary pay and inflation which has not been distributed by unit.