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[[underlined]] Changes to the Internal Planning and Budget Processes [[/underlined]]

Mr. Adams introduced the following report which had been prepared for the Regents' information:

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Over the past several months, the Institution has begun to implement several changes aimed at integrating and strengthening the internal planning and budgeting processes. These changes are based upon a model followed by many institutions of higher education. 

First, in an effort to identify long-term programmatic goals and other opportunities prior to budget formulation, bureau and office directors were asked to assemble and submit to members of the Secretary's Management Committee their plans and priorities for the next five years. These plans were submitted early February, and during February and March each Management Committee member held discussions with the directors to explore fully the issues raised. 

Second, in a related and simultaneous effort, the Secretary and the Management Committee undertook efforts to amplify the Institution's basic mandate "to increase and diffuse knowledge". The intent was to develop a more explicit statement of purpose for the Institution and a set of related long-term objectives. As a further part of this effort, a set of programmatic "areas of emphasis", based largely upon information submitted by the bureaus and offices, was also developed. 

The statement of purpose, long-term objectives and "areas of emphasis" are attached. These documents were recently distributed to bureaus and offices with the spring budget call as the Secretary's formal guidance for the budget formulation. The results of these several efforts should provide a useful framework for establishing operating budget priorities and should also assist in determining capital outlay and fund raising priorities over the next five years. 

Other changes to the Planning and budget process include the following:

◦Responsibility for the development of the five-year plan and preparation of the [[underlinedd]] Prospectus [[/underline]] has been reassigned to the Office of Programming and Budget. This change should result in better coordination of the planning and budgeting functions. 

◦Included in the spring budget call is also a first-time request for bureaus and offices to submit a development plan. These plans will be used to gain an overview of all efforts at the bureau/office level to solicit outside support for priority projects. 

◦Steps have been taken to advance the budget cycle to permit time for extensive discussions about resource requirements between members of the Management Committee and bureau and office directors. 

The results of these various changes should be more focused and salient budget and planning submissions to the Board of Regents, the Office of Management and Budget and the Congress.