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The Honorable Robert McCormick Adams      Page two
January 27, 1988

In short, we have responded to all requests for assistance and have volunteered for and provided additional effort to reinforce the expansion effort.  Given the enthusiasm with which we have welcomed the project and the previous decision by the Regents to locate at Dulles, we were puzzled to learn recently that the Institution intends to reconsider its location decision.

We want to reaffirm our commitment to support the expansion of the National Air and Space Museum and would appreciate a confirmation of the Regents' current plans regarding the site location.

We look forward to discussing your plans for this project which continues to hold exciting possibilities for the citizens of this region and those throughout the country.

With kind regards, we are

[[signed]] John Warner [[/signed]]         [[signed]] Gerald L. Baliles [[/signed]]
John Warner                                Gerald L. Baliles
United States Senator                      Governor
