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VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish, as part of the Institution's endowment funds, a quasi-restricted fund to be known as The Holenia Trust Fund and to authorize the transfer of the restricted monies identified for this purpose.

A final item not included in the schedule is an unrestricted bequest from the estate of Charles H. Ettl. A partial distribution of $800,000 has been received. As per current policy, this amount will be transferred to the Institution's Endowment, unrestricted as to income and principal. The significance of the bequest merits a named endowment. Accordingly, the following motion is suggested:

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish, as part of the Institution's endowment funds, a quasi-unrestricted fund to be known as The Charles H. Ettl Fund and to authorize the transfer of the unrestricted monies identified for this purpose.

Fiscal Year 1989 - Budget (Schedule E)

[[underlined]] -- Federal Appropriations: [[/underlined]] Schedule E has been adjusted to reflect the budget as submitted to Congress. As reported previously, it includes $216,214,000 in Salaries and Expenses, including $1,206,000 in a newly proposed Instrumentation no-year sub-account; $5,305,000 in Zoo construction; $20,835,000 in Restoration and Renovation; and $10,150,000 in Construction. The request to Congress thus totals $252,504,000.

The passback from OMB provided sufficient flexibility to allow the Institution to retain all major programmatic initiatives in Salaries and Expenses with only minor reductions. It also allowed for the establishment of an Instrumentation sub-account which will emphasize the importance, uniqueness, and multi-year nature of research and development efforts which precede the development of major scientific instrumentation. Unobligated appropriations to this new sub-account will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year. Funds requested are for the Submillimeter Telescope Array and conversion of the Multiple Mirror Telescope at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Cuts included $100,000 from the final phase of the Payroll/Personnel System implementation and $228,000 in guard costs for the General Post Office Building.

The passback provided funds within $300,000 of the original request to OMB for Zoo Construction. In the Construction account, cuts were made of $2,000,000 to plan and design for Smithsonian use the General Post Office Building, $150,000 to Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute lab and research facilities construction, and $1,300,000 in general planning and design funds. This account, however, was increased by $3,200,00 for