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Schedule A

Fiscal Years 1987 - 1989

[[5 column table]]
   | FY 87 Actual | FY 88 Budget | FY 88 Projected | FY 89 Budget
[[underlined]]SI OPERATING FUNDS[[/underlined]] | (Sch. B) | (Sch. C) | (Sch. D) | (Sch. E)

FEDERAL APPROP. - S&E | 188,974 | 201,432 | 201,432 | 216,214
GOVERNMENT GRANTS & CONTRACTS | 15,873 | 17,635 | 17,635 | 23,481
NON-APPROP. TRUST FUNDS | | | | | | | | | | |
 Investment Income | | | | | | | | | | |
  -Unrestr. General & Special Purpose | 6,211 | 6,050 | 6,500 | 6,000
  -Restricted | 4,517 | 5,120 | 5,120 | 4,994
 Gifts & Grants (Ex. Gifts to Endow) | | | | | | | | | | |
  -Unrestr. General & Spec. Purpose | 390 | 250 | 1,560 | 250
  -Restricted | 9,973 | 12,932 | 12,932 | 10,442
 Self-Generated Revenues Institutional (Gen. Unrest.) | | | | | | | | | | |
  -Gross Revenues | 157,534 | 167,451 | 175,421 | 179,749
  -Less Related Expenses | (130,748) | (140,866) | (146,831) | (154,359)                                    
   [[tally lines]]
  -Net Income | 26,786 | 26,585 | 28,590 | 25,390
 Bureau (Special Purpose) | | | | | | | | | | |
  -Gross Revenues | 9,203 | 8,357 | 8,357 | 8,989
  -Less Related Expenses | (7,093) | (7,165) | (7,165) | (7,801)
  [[tally lines]]
  -Net Income | 2,110 | 1,192 | 1,192 | 1,188

 Other Misc. - Unrestricted | 5,224 | 1,599 | 1,599 | 1,575
  -Restricted | 2,028 | 1,200 | 1,200 | 1,200
  [[tally lines]]         
 Total Non-Approp. Trust Funds - Gross | 195,080 | 202,959 | 212,689 | 213,199
  -Net of Exps. of Self-Gen. Revs. | 57,239 | 54,928 | 58,693 | 51,039
  [[tally lines]]
TOTAL ALL OPER. FUNDS PROVIDED: | | | | | | | | | | |
  -Gross | 399,927 | 422,026 | 431,756 | 452,894
  -Net | 262,086 | 273,995 | 277,760 | 290,734

FUNDS APPLIED: | | | | | | | | | | |
 Research | 56,452 | 59,654 | 59,521 | 67,912
  Less: SAO Overhead Recovery | (2,545) | (2,956) | (2,956) | (3,062)
 Museums | 95,632 | 98,540 | 98,779 | 98,940
 Public Service | 5,301 | 5,054 | 5,225 | 5,243
 Directorate of International Act. | 1,427 | 1,618 | 1,795 | 1,759
 Special Programs | 11,642 | 21,563 | 21,631 | 22,325
 External Affairs/Business Mgmt | 1,258 | 1,080 | 1,680 | 1,056
 Administration | | | | | | | | | | |
  -Federal Appropriation | 15,112 | 20,542 | 21,751 | 24,312
  -Trust Funds | 9,889 | 14,530 | 14,036 | 13,802
    Less: SI Overhead Recovery | (9,305) | (10,340) | (10,340) | (10,980)
 Facilities Services | 57,271 | 59,826 | 59,215 | 62,897
 [[tally lines]]
TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS APPLIED | 242,134 | 269,111 | 270,337 | 284,204

TRANSFERS (Non-Approp. Trust Funds) | | | | | | | | | | |
 To Plant Funds | - | (38) | (38) | 0
 To Endowment Funds | | | | | | | | | | |
  Unrestricted Purpose | 3,278 | 3,026 | 4,311 | 3,026
  Restricted Purpose | 570 | 650 | 650 | 652
  [[tally lines]]                 
 Total Transfers | 3,848 | 3,638 | 4,923 | 3,678

CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE | | | | | | | | | | |
 Unrest. & Special Purpose | 12,246 | 1,630 | 2,884 | 2,519
 Restricted (Incl. Fed. Grants & Contr.) | 4,113 | (384) | (384) | 333
 [[tally lines]]                                  
 Total | [[double underlined]] 16,359 | 1,246 | 2,500 | 2,852 [[/double underlined]]

FUND BALANCES - END OF YEAR | | | | | | | | | | |
 Unrestricted & Special Purpose | 38,935 | 40,565 | 41,819 | 43,084 
 Restricted (Incl. Fed. Grants & Constr.) | 13,769 | 13,385 | 13,385 | 13,718
 [[tally lines]]
 Total Operating Fund Balances | [[double underlined]] 52,704 | 53,950 | 55,204 | 56,802 [[/double underlined]]

   | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ | ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦

  -Foreign Currency Program | - | - | - | -
  -Construction | 21,570 | 28,719 | 28,719 | 36,290  
  [[tally lines]]
TOTAL FEDERAL APPROPRIATIONS | [[double underlined]] 210,544 | 230,151 | 230,151 | 252,504 [[/double underlined]]