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The IIF is working with UCLA and initially with Bolivia to develop model tripartite agreements along the lines suggested by the Treasury Department (see above) to make it easier for commercial banks to make donations. These initial negotiations will chart a path for academic institutions and foreign central banks as well. Treasury and AID are together organizing a seminar on May 17 in Washington where it is hoped commercial banks and not-for-profit organizations will discover that the charitable donation of debt instruments is both appealing and workable.


Mr. Adams drew the Regents' attention to the following report which had been prepared for their information.

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In January 1988, as a result of the changed status of the Directorate of International Activities, Secretary Adams asked the four programmatic Assistant Secretaries (Messrs. Freudenheim, Hoffmann, Lovejoy, and Rinzler) to form themselves into an "International Activities Council" (IAC). On April 6, the Council announced a reorganization of various parts of the former Directorate of International Activities, creating new supervisory lines of authority as well as some new staff assignments.

Briefly, the International Activities Council will continue to provide a centralizing role for the Institution's International Activities. The Council will meet regularly and will be served by a Coordinator for International Activities. As represented on the organization table which follows, several new offices have been created and assigned to Assistant Secretaries:

• Under the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs, a new Office of International Relations has been created. This office includes the former Office of Service and Protocol, the Foreign Currency Program (and other programs that utilize "blocked currencies"), the Profile of International Activities and other data base projects, and bilateral and protocol agreements where appropriate.

The Director of the Office of International Relations will also serve as the Coordinator of International Activities, meeting regularly with the International Activities Council as well as with all International Center staff. Francine Berkowitz has been asked to become the Acting Director of the Office of International Relations and will also serve as Acting Coordinator for the International Activities Center.

• The International Gallery has been assigned to the Assistant Secretary for Museums. International