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Amendment to Inspector General Legislation

On February second the Senate passed S. 908.  During debate on the measure Senator Sasser and Senator Garn engaged Senator Glenn in a discussion to clarify application of the bill to the Smithsonian.  Senator Glenn stated that the hearing record did not indicate any basic deficiencies in the audit and investigative activities of the Institution.  The intent of S. 908, he further stated, is not "to contravene ...[the] basic governing structure of the Smithsonian Institution nor the duty of the Secretary to manage and administer Smithsonian activities in accordance with the dictates of the Board of Regents."  Senator Glenn also noted that "...S.908 simply codifies in statutory form the current responsibilities of the Office of Audits and Investigations...."

Rep. Jack Brooks (D-Texas) introduced H.R. 4054, to amend the Inspector General Act, on March second.  It is identical to a bill passed in the 99th Congress, but whose differences were not resolved prior to adjournment.  The measure, which contains no reference to the Smithsonian, has been referred to the Committee on Government Operations, as has S. 908.  The measure, which contains no reference to the Smithsonian, has been referred to the Committee on Government Operations, as has S. 908.  The Committee is chaired by Mr. Brooks.

National Air and Space Museum Extension

On Tuesday, April 19, the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration ordered reported S. 1790, the bill introduced by Senator Garn and others to authorize the planning and construction of facilities for the National Air and Space Museum at Washington Dulles International Airport.  The measure would authorize fiscal year 1988 and 1989 appropriations totaling $1 million for master planning activities but would not authorize the use of Federal funds for construction.

In addition to the three previously reported measures, H.R. 4198, introduced on March 17 by Bill Grant (D-Fla.), would authorize planning for an extension of the Air and Space Museum.  A site is not specified in the text.  The measure has been jointly referred to the House Committee on Public Works and Transportation and the Committee on House Administration.

See below in the agenda materials for a report on the Smithsonian's internal planning process for an extension.

National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board

No action has been taken on H.R. 2395, to repeal Public Law 87-186, relating to the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board of the Smithsonian Institution.  The Secretary has been advised that P.L. 87-186 provides the Institution with certain authorities for the acquisition of military artifacts of potential interest to its museums, and these authorities ought to be retained.  Accordingly, no further action will be sought.