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[[table, 2 columns]]
1 | Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
2 | of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
3 | [[strikethrough]] That this Act may be cited as the "National American [[/strikethrough]]
4 | [[strikethrough]] Indian Museum and Memorial Act". [[/strikethrough]]
5 | [[strikethrough]] Sect. 102. The Congress finds that [[/strikethrough]]
6 | [[strikethrough]] (1) there is no national museum devoted exclusively [[/strikethrough]]
7 | [[strikethrough]] to the history and art of cultures indigenous to [[/strikethrough]]
8 | [[strikethrough]] North America, specifically Indians, Eskimos, and [[/strikethrough]]
9 | [[strikethrough]] Aleuts; [[/strikethrough]]
10 | [[strikethrough]] (2) although the Smithsonian Institution  [[/strikethrough]]
11 | [[strikethrough]] employs 5,500 people, operates 14 museums and galleries [[/strikethrough]]
12 | [[strikethrough]] and 5 major research facilities, none of its institutions [[/strikethrough]]
13 | [[strikethrough]] are devoted to Native American art and history; [[/strikethrough]]
14 | [[strikethrough]] (3) the Museum of American Indian, Heye [[/strikethrough]]
15 | [[strikethrough]] Foundation, located in New York City, has an [[/strikethrough]]
16 | [[strikethrough]] unequalled assemblage of over 1,000,000 Indian art [[/strikethrough]]
17 | [[strikethrough]] objects and artifacts and is the largest such collection [[/strikethrough]]
18 | [[strikethrough]] in the world; [[/strikethrough]]
19 | [[strikethrough]] (4) the library of the Museum of the American [[/strikethrough]]
20 | [[strikethrough]] Indian houses 40,000 volumes relating to the archaeology, [[/strikethrough]]
21 | [[strikethrough]] ethnology, and history of Native American [[/strikethrough]]
22 | [[strikethrough]] peoples; [[/strikethrough]]
23 | [[strikethrough]] (5) the collection of the Museum of the American [[/strikethrough]]
24 | [[strikethrough]] Indian, Heye Foundation, of art, artifacts, specimens [[/strikethrough]]
25 | [[strikethrough]] and books is inadequately housed in 3 separate [[/strikethrough]]