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James M. Hobbins, Executive Assistant to the Secretary, Smithsonian Institution

Robert B. Burke, Jr., Director, Office of Protection Services, Smithsonian Institution

In the future, any individual appointed to the "Security Committee" as an additional member or replacement member shall be cleared to the level of the Institution prior to appointment.

The "Security Committee" shall insure that only Regents and officers who have been cleared to the level of the Institution shall have access to classified information in the possession of the Institution. 

[[underlined]] LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS AND ISSUES [[/underlined]]

A brief report was prepared for the Regents' information on such legislative initiatives as the Amendment to the Inspector General Act, the Museum of the American Indian, the National Air and Space Museum Extension, the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board, the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, a Native American Claims Commission, and the expansion of the Delta Regional Preservation Commission.

[[underlined]] MAJOR DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES [[/underlined]]

A report prepared for the Regents' information described current major development initiatives, including a joint appeal with Florida International University to a donor to establish an endowment for a shared chair for an eminent scholar in Electronics and Society, an annual symposium in electronics and society in alternating years at FIU and the Smithsonian, and an award of $100,000 annually in conjunction with the symposium. Progress reports on top development priorities included the "Buried Mirror," an appeal for the Inventory of American Sculpture, the Cooper-Hewitt's major exhibition on the William and Mary Style in Holland, England, and America, and the Smithsonian's concept of an experimental gallery. It was also reported that special efforts are being made in areas of pan-Institutional advancement, including major individual donors and planned giving programs.

[[underlined]] MUSEUM OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN [[/underlined]]

It was noted that the Executive Committee, which had visited the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation last June, had taken the position that the building of a new National Museum of the American Indian on the Mall would not be justified under the provisions of S. 1722 at that time because (1) the Smithsonian had no title to the collections and (2) the entire Custom House was to be used for a major museum in New York. After reporting that a majority of the Regents had approved that position, Mr. Adams stated that recently revised legislation on the