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Proceedings of the Meeting of the Board of Regents
September 19, 1988

[[underline]]  INDEX [[/underline]]  

[[2 column table]]
[[column 2 is right justified]]
[[Topic]] | [[underlined]] Page  [[/underlined]] 

Summary of Proceedings | i - xiv
Attendance | 1
Minutes of the Meeting of May 9, 1988 | 2
Report of the Executive Committee | 2
Designation of Mr. Boland as a Regent Emeritus | 3
Resignation of Regent Gell-Mann | 4
Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws of the Board of Regents | 5
Reports of the Audit and Review Committee | 11
Report of the Investment Policy Committee | 14
The Secretary's Report | 15
Financial Report | 16
Draft of the Five-Year Prospectus, Fiscal Years 1990-1994 | 30
Security Clearance Needs, Procedures, and Authority | 36
Legislative Actions and Issues | 38
Major Development Initiatives | 39
Museum of the American Indian | 41
National Air and Space Museum Planning Study | 79
Afro-American Museum Possibilities | 123
Affirmative Action Highlights | 124
Commission of the National Museum of African Art | 126
Commission of the National Portrait Gallery | 130
Proposal to Name Exhibition Gallery for Frank A. Taylor | 131
[[/2 column table]]