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no. 13

Number of specimens entered during the year ....1158

Total number of specimens in the collection (based upon an estimate off the number contained in the  the collection in 1889) ....36777

Number of last entry in catalogue June 30, 1896...22811
June 30, 1897...23969

[[remainder of page is crossed out]]

[[strikethrough]] Number of specimens in the collection in 1895 - 1896...35619
Add 1896 - 1897...[[underlined]]1158[[/underlined]]

Received but not entered:-
U.S. Fish Commin (Gift)  465
Dr. E. Palmer (?)  37
Prof I. [[?]] (for examination)  24
H.H. & G.S. [[Brimly?]](for identification) [[underline]] 6   532[[/underline]]