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nished herewith will show much that is unexpected and interesting: for example, we have from the western edge of the Grand Bank a species first recorded by F.E. Clarke as occurring at Hokitika, on the South Island of the New Zealand group, in ^[[insertion]] about [[/insertion]] south latitude    & east longitude      _the [[underlined]] Lepidopus elongatus [[/underlined]] of Clarke, which Goode & Bean have found to represent a genus distinct from [[underlined]] Lepidopus [[/underlined]], and for which they have created the name [[underlined]] Benthodesmus [[/underlined]]. A species first ^[[insertion]] made [[/insertion]] known by Dr. Günther from the Straits of Magellan - [[underlined]] Melanostigma [[/underlined]] was found not uncommon

The following European species were obtained: [[underlined]] Centriscus [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] scolopax [[/underlined]][[/strikethrough]] ,^[[insertion]] sp. [[/insertion]] , ^[[insertion]] a form [[/insertion]] which has reappeared after an interval of 30 years, this being the second individual of the genus taken in our waters ; [[underlined]] Careproctus Reinhardtii, Centroscyllium Fabricii, Coftunculus microps, Coryphaenoides    , Hoplostethus mediterraneus. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Stomias feros [[/underlined]], until recently unknown in American collections, was secured during the summer at     stations. 

There are representatives of 5 genera heretofore not known to us and ^[[insertion]] most of them [[/insertion]] probably as yet unpublished: these are [[underlined]] Benthodesmus [[/underlined]] (referred to above), a [[underlined]] Brotulid [[/underlined]] ,