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[[Underlined]]Work proposed.[[/underlined]]

I attend to make a rearrangement of the entire bottle collection as soon as the jars already ordered are received and the increased accommodation for the exhibit series is available.We shall soon begin a card catalogue of fishes now in the museum. Very many specimens set apart for the review series will be placed in suitable jars as soon as the jars are furnished. Fishes kept in powder tanks will to a great extent be transferred to glass storage jars as soon as possible. Specimen not needed in the [[strikethrough]]reserve[[/strikethrough]] exhibition or the study series will be set aside as duplicates for distribution. Several sets of Alaska fishes are to be prepared for exchange with selected museums.

Mr. Goode and I desire to continue the investigation of the [[underlined]] deep sea fauna of the Western Atlantic [[/underlined]], the fishes of the[[underlined]] coast of the Southern United States[[/underlined]], of the[[underlined]] Gulf of Mexico[[/underlined]], & of the [[underlined]] West Indian region [[/underlined]].

I propose to publish a detailed report upon Alaskan fishes and those of contiguous waters, and, should like to reserve for study all of Artic 

Transcription Notes:
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