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WASHINGTON, D. C., [[blank line]] 18 

For the Bulletin of the U.S. Fish Commission were received the following papers:

[[double underlined]] Goode, G. Brown [[/double underlined]]  & [[double underlined]] Capt. J. W. Collins [[/double underlined]]— The mackerel fishery of the United States. (Jan. 6, 142 pages MSS.)

— The winter haddock fishery of New England. (Jan. 6, 21 pages MSS.)

[[double underlined]] Fish drawings completed[[/double underlined]].

Mr. H. L. Todd has completed drawings of the following fishes:

[[three columns]] 
[[underlined]] Gonostoma denudata |                U.S.F.C. | 29069
[[underlined]] Physiculus [[/underlined]] ? | " [[ditto for U.S.F.C.]] | 29832
[[underlined]] Muraenesox [[/underlined]] -like eel | " [[ditto for U.S.F.C.]] | 29831          
[[underlined]] Sternoptychid [[/underlined]] n.g. | "  [[ditto for U.S.F.C.]] | 29833
[[underlined]] Evoxymetropon taeniatus [[/underlined]] | Poey |        5735
[[underlined]] Macrurid [[/underlined]] | 106 Ag. | [[blank]]
[[underlined]] Alepocephalus [[/underlined]] | 71 Ag. | [[blank]]
[[underlined]] Limanda aspera [[/underlined]] | Alaskan | 27944