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Mar. 15.   11209   30331.
3 alcoholic spec. shad, - [[underlined]] Alosa sapidissima [[/underlined]].
Collected at 11'st. Wharf, Washington, D.C.

Col. M. McDonald, U.S.F.C. Washin, D.C.

Mar. 7.   11181    30335

1 alc. spec. - [[underlined]] Trachypterus arcticus [[/underlined]] - from Iceland.

Dr. Chr. Lütken, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Mar. 20.   11230   30336.
1 Fresh spec. Tench - [[underlined]] Tinca vulgaris [[/underlined]].
collected in Broad Creek, Md. by Roum, Bros. of Washington, D.C. - Mar. 16, 1882, received.

Dr. T.H. Bean, Smithsonian Institution.

Mar. 15.   11206

Fresh [[underlined]] Raia ocellata [[/underlined]] 1, [[underlined]] Acipenser oxyrhynchus [[/underlined]] 1, [[underlined]] Squalus acanthias [[/underlined]] 7; & 2 boxes fishes & invertebrates in alcohol.

U.S.F.C. Str. "Fish Hawk", Chesapeake Bay.

Mar. 21.   11235   30337.

Spawn of [[underlined]] Trisotropis [[strikethrough]] brunncus [[/strikethrough]] stomias [[/underlined]] with entozoa.

Silas Stearns, Pensacola, Fla.