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[[double underlined]] Fishes catalogued during March, 1882.  [[/double underlined]]

The total number of entries made in the Register is 111, beginning with 30312 and ending with 30422.  Among these are the following noteworthy additions:

30314 - 30318.  Wm J. Fisher, St. Paul, Kodiak, 

[[underlined]] Salvelinus malma [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Salmo Gairdneri [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Oncorhynchus [[/underlined]] juv., [[underlined]] Liparis pulchellus [[/underlined]], [[underlined]]Leptocothus armatus [[/underlined]].

Several additional species of the same collection are not yet tagged.  There is nothing new among them, but some are interesting because of peculiarity of coloration or other condition.

30320 - 30324}  
        30332}   Capt. Chas. Bendire, Garrison Creek, W.T. 

Includes [[underlined]] Richardsonius balteatus, Apocope nubila, Rhinichthys transmontanus [[/underlined]] &c. &c.  The larger part of this collection was catalogued in February and all is discussed in a paper already referred to (Proc. N.M., V.)

30326 - 30328}
30339 - 30409} Chesapeake Bay species collected by the U.S.F.C. Str. Fish Hawk—

[[double underlined]] List of species: [[/double underlined]]

Acipenser oxyrhynchus
Raia ocellata
Squalus acanthias
Achirus lineatus
Pleuronectes americanus