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[[double underlined]] Fish Drawings completed by Mr Todd during Mar. 1882. [[/double underlined]]

Mar. 13 [[underlined]] Prionotus [[/underlined]] n.s. (A. Agassiz) Lateral view and two of head.

" " [[dittos for Mar. 13]] [[underlined]] Blepsias bilobus [[/underlined]] 30307 " " " " " " [[dittos for Lateral view and two of head]]

" [[ditto for Mar.]] 25 [[underlined]] Ammocoetes aureus [[/underlined]] 21524 " " [[dittos for Lateral view]]

" [[ditto for Mar.]] 28 [[underlined]] Cottus taeniopterus [[/underlined]] 21522 " " [[dittos for Lateral view]] and two of head.

" [[ditto for Mar.]] 31 [[underlined]] Hypomesus olidus [[/underlined]] 23973 " " [[dittos for lateral view]] 

[[underlined]] Xiphias gladius [[/underlined]] sword 21699 from [[underlined]] Lamna [[/underlined]]. Two views.

[[underlined]] Histiophorus brevirostris [[/underlined]], [[strikethrough]] tracing [[/strikethrough]] outline from Pl. XLVii vol I, Fishes of India.

[[underlined]] Histiophorus orientalis [[/underlined]], Outline from PL. LV, Fauna Japonica.