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2. [[double underline]] Fish-drawings completed by H. L. Todd, during April, 1882. [[/double underline]]

[[underline]] Sternoptyx [[/underline]] Lat. 33°19'N.,  Long 76°12'30" A. Agassiz.

[[underline]] Sternoptyx [[/underline]] 32°07'N., 78°37'30"  " "[[dittos for A. Agassiz]]

[[underline]] Leptocephalid [[/underline]]  38°21'50"   73°32'  " "[[dittos for A. Agassiz]]

[[underline]] Argyropelecus [[/underline]] 38°18'20"  78°43'  " "[[dittos for A. Agassiz]]

[[underline]] Xiphias gladius [[/underline]] 21699 juv. upper & under view of sword 

[[underline]] Histiophorus brevirostris [[/underline]] Outline from vol. I, Fishes of India, Pl. XLVII.

[[underline]] Histiophorus orientalis [[/underline]] Outline from Fauna Japonica, Pl. LV.