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[[double underlined]] April 13 [[/double underlined]], [[double underlined]] J.J. McLean [[/double underlined]], Signal Office, Sitka, Care Capt. J.M. Vanderbilt, Northwestern Fur & Trading Co.,

Four gallon AG tank 2220 and a four gallon tank not numbered.

[[double underlined]] April 18 [[/double underlined]], [[double underlined]] Barnet Phillips [[/double underlined]], Times Office, New York,

A specimen of sea-horse ([[underlined]] Hippocampus [[/underlined]]), No. 6857, intended as a gift.

Receipt acknowledged Apr. 20.


[[double underlined]] April 20 [[/double underlined]], [[double underlined]] G. Brown Goode [[/double underlined]], National Museum,

A tracing (outline) of [[underlined]] Histiophorus orientalis [[/underlined]], one tracing of [[underlined]] Histiophorus brevirostris  [[/underlined]], and a view from above and below of the sword of [[underlined]]Xiphias gladius [[/underlined]] No. 21699.


[[double underlined]] April 24 [[/double underlined]], [[double underlined]] Silas Stearns [[/double underlined]], Pensacola, Fla.

A key to Bohannan lock on tank box expressed to him Apr. 12.

[[double underlined]] April 24 [[/double underlined]], [[double underlined]] V. N. Edwards [[/double underlined]], Woods Holl,

Four keys to Lodge and one for closets in Laboratory used by T. H. Bean.
(By mail.)


[[double underlined]] April 25 [[/double underlined]], [[double underlined]] Dr C. A. White [[/double underlined]], National Mus.,

Wood cuts making up plates III [[three dots above]], IV [[one dot above]] & V Proc. N. M., vol. V.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to transcribe plate ids in last entry. iii, iv vs. III, IV [[with dots above]] or something else.