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4. [[double underlined]] Fishes received during April, 1882. [[/double underlined]]

April 6. [[underlined]] E. G. Blackford, [[/underlined]] 80 Fulton Market, New York. Salmon and trout from various localities - Acc. No. 11296, Catalogue 30426 - 30446. Including [[underlined]] Saloclimus fontinalis, malma [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] namaycush, Salmo indeus [[/underlinled]] & [[underlined]] purpuratus, Oncorhynchus [[/underlined]] (from Minnesota!), alleged hybrid between brook trout & California salmon.

Apr. 12. Acc. No. 11324. Cat. No. 30449.
W. L. Polk, Vicksburg, Miss.
A young alcoholic specimen of [[underlined]] Carpiodes [[/underlined]] from Mississippi R., supposed by the fishermen there to be shad.

^[[checkmark]] Apr. 15. Acc. No. Cat. No. 30454.
Wm. Dabney, Lodi, Miss.
By letter, an [[underlined]] etheostomatid [[/underlined]] pressed flat. Asks if it is a carp.

Apr. 24. Acc. No. 11356. Cat. No. 30489.
E. G. Blackford
2 fresh specimens of [[underlined]] Peristedium miniatum. [[/underlined]]