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[[underlined]] S. Albro, Coddington's Cove, Rhode Island. [[/underlined]]
[[red underlined]] Accession; Catalogue [[/red underlined]] 33194.

An example, taken Oct. 16, of
[[underlined]] Elops saurus [[/underlined]], a species of only occasional occurrence in southern New England.

[[double underlined]] Tarleton H. Bean [[/double underlined]], [[underlined]] Potomac River, D.C. [[/underlined]], [[red underlined]] Catalogue[[/red underlined]] 32564.

A remarkable specimen of [[underlined]] Esox reticulatus [[/underlined]] of a pale green color without a trace of dark reticulations

[[double underlined]] Capt. Chas. Bendire, Cour d'Alene Lake [[/underlined]], [[red underlined]] Catalogue [[/red underlined]] 32576. 

In a large collection of [[underlined]] salmonidae [[/underlined]] taken in Oregon and Washington Territory was included the type of

[[underlined]] Salmo purpuratus [[/underlined]] var. [[underlined]] bouvieri [[/underlined]] Bendire, which may be only a color variety of Clark's trout. Typical [[underlined]] Salmo purpuratus [[/underlined]], was also forwarded and [[underlined]] Salmo gairdneri, Oncorhynchus nerka, O. chonicha & Salvelinus malma. [[/underlined]]