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[[double underlined]] J. B. Edwards [[/double underlined]], [[underlined]] Amagansett , Long Island [[/underlined]] ,

[[underlined]] Accession [[/underlined]] 12701 ; [[underlined]] Catalogue [[/underlined]] 32516.

Mr. Edwards , Keeper of the Life-saving Station at Amagansett, sent a shark belonging to the family [[underlined]] Scyllidae [[/underlined]] , the

[[underlined]] Pseudotriacis microdon [[/underlined]] Capello, a

species never before known in our waters, described from a single example taken in the deep water off the coast of Portugal by a deep-line fisherman.

A cast of one side and of the head was made, but unfortunately  the modeler cut off the head and made it impossible to 

secure a perfect preparation of the skeleton, which was much desired. 

A good drawing was made by Mr. H. L. Todd and Mr. F. A. Lucas has prepared a skeleton. The skin will be mounted as well as possible under the circumstances. 

[[double underlined]] Wm. J. Fisher [[/double underlined]] , [[underlined]] Kodiak [[/underlined]] , [[underlined]] Alaska [[/underlined]] .

[[underlined]] Accession [[/underlined]] 12209  ;  [[underlined]] Catalogue [[/underlined]] 32537-8.

In Mr. Fisher's collection were two
very large specimens of 
[[underlined]] Cottus niger [[/underlined]] Bean , first found at

St. Paul Island, Bering Sea, and now known to occur also in the Gulf of Alaska.