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[[underlined]] Chalinura simula [[/underlined]] Goode & Bean

[[underlined]] Coryphaenoides carapinus [[/underlined]] Goode & Bean

[[underlined]] Macrurus asper [[/underlined]] Goode & Bean

[[underlined]] Bathysaurus agassizii [[/underlined]] Goode & Bean

[[underlined]] Halosaurus macrochir [[/underlined]] Günther

[[underlined]] Alepocephalus agassizii [[/underlined]] Goode & Bean

[[underlined]] Lycodonus mirabilis [[/underlined]] Goode & Bean

[[underlined]] Dicrolene introniger [[/underlined]] Goode & Bean

The new species were first noticed in part in Forest & Stream of August 30, 1883 and again in a subsequent issue        ; afterwards (Nov. 27, 1883) a more extended paper based upon this material was published in Proc. Nat. Mus., volume VI, pages 253-273. Prof. Gill also published in "Nature" a note upon the affinities of the [[underlined]] Eurypharyngidae [[/underlined]] contrasting them more especially with [[underlined]] Saccopharynx. [[/underlined]] It is to be hoped that the new species will soon be fully described, for, without the typical specimens, it would be very difficult if not impossible to recognize them in the future. The following species