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^[[London]] Fisheries Catalogue relates to the collection of fishes exhibited. In this Section there is a general survey of the regions represented and the common names, maximum size, food-qualities and spaw^[[n]]ing-habits of the species are treated upon. This collection of fishes was made the basis in London of some exchanges with the British Museum, to which institution a large part of [[strikethrough]] the collection [[/strikethrough]] ^[[it]] was presented at the close of the Exhibition.

In the review of the important accessions received during the year it will be observed that the numbers of additions has been very large and a considerable amount of time has been spent in the care of these accessions. The steamers of

Transcription Notes:
Unsure whether the spelling correction spaw[[insertion]] n [[/insertion]]ing-habits should be noted, I've chosen to leave it out for readability.