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5. [[double underlined]] Plans and Recommendations. [[/double underlined]]

a. [[underlined]] Desiderata. [[/underlined]]

One of the most important desiderata for the collection of fishes is [[underlined]] more room [[/underlined]] for the exhibition and reserve series. The next thing needed - and sadly missed in storing the large species more particularly - is [[underlined]] glass storage jars [[/underlined]] holding from 2 1/2 gallons to 5 gallons. It is almost essential to the preservation of the collection that most of the fishes in tanks should be transferred to jars in which their condition can be readily observed, such containers being entirely free in themselves from all elements destructive to fishes.

The office of the curator should be much larger in order to accommodate the force of assistants employed, the books needed for study, and the material to be investigated. It is frequently so cold that no one can work effectively, and to remain in it is prejudicial to health.