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Captain Charles Bendire, Fort Klamath, Washington Territory.
Acc. 13916. Cat. 33956-88957.

This collection contained two very large skins of [[underlined]] Catostomus labiatus [[/underlined]], a little-known sucker and one which we have not had in the Museum before.

L. M. Turner, Ungava Bay, Labrador.
Acc. 13724 and 13922. Cat. 34114-34261.

This large and valuable collection of fishes was made in 1882 and 1883, by Mr. Turner. It contains twenty-seven species, represented in most cases by a sufficient number of excellent specimens.

As might have been expected his collection is rich in [[underlined]] salmonoids [[/underlined]], including six species. One of the most interesting of the species is a char, which I suppose to be [[underlined]] Salvelinus hudsonius [[/underlined]], which is remarkable for its enormous size almost rivalling that of the Maine Salmon.

Among the rarer species obtained by Mr. Turner