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[[double underlined]] Table showing some of the work upon the Collection of Fishes during 1884. [[/double underlined]]
[[5 column table]]
[[double line across page]]

[[month]] | Lots of Fish received. | Lots of Fish catalogued. | Packages sent out. | Fish drawings examined.*
[[line cross page]]

January. | 5 | 454 | 1 | 5

February. | 6 | 23 | 7 | 8

March. | 6 | 313 | 5 | 11

April. | 10 | 35 | 1 | 6

May. | 10 | 139 | 3 | 13

June. | 16 | 226 | 7 | 17

July. | 9 | 216 | 11 | 7

August. | 11 | 200 | 8 | 10

September. | 2 |  |  | 8

October. | 10 | 1357 | 1 | 17

November. | 3 | 27 | 5 | 10

December. | 5 | 25 | 5 | 5
[[line across page]]
Totals. | 93. | 3015. | 54. | 117.

* Ten drawings, made by Miss Smith, not included here.