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[[image: embossed domed building, words illegible - left top margin]]

[[double underlined]] Alphabetical List of Accessions [[/underlined]] .

[[underlined]] J. I. Bizzell [[/underlined]]. Acc. 16175.

Lower pharyngeals of fresh-water drum [[underlined]] Haploidonotus grunniens [[/underlined]] , from Pine Apple, Alabama.

[[underlined]]E.G. Blackford[[/underlined]]. Acc. 15614. No. 36967.

A fresh specimen of [[underlined]][[strikethrough]]Epinephelus[[/strikethrough]]Promicrops guasa[[/underlined]] from the coast of Florida.

[[underlined]]von dem Borne, Max.[[/underlined]] Acc. 16098. Nos. 37201-2.

Specimens of [[underlined]] Coregonus albula [[/underlined]] from Baland & Telender Lakes, Prussia.  The species has been introduced by the U.S. Fish Commission.

[[underlined]]Dr. Virgil Buell[[/underlined]]. Acc. 16018.  No. 37182.

A fresh specimen of Prionotus palmipes[[/underlined]] taken in a small brook near Plainville which is 12 miles from Hartford, Connecticut.

[[underlined]]W. S. Bunting[[/underlined]]. Acc. 15831. No. 37040.

A shad, [[underlined]]Clupea sapidissima[[/underlined]], caught at the mouth of the Suwannee River, Florida.