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[[underlined]]E.M. Hawkins[[/underlined]]. Acc. 16023. No. 37185.

 A specimen of [[underlined]]Ambloplites rupestris[[/underlined]] from Huntingdon, Tennessee.

[[underlined]]F.A. Hutty[[/underlined]], Grand Haven, Michigan. Accession 15578. No. 36936. 

A specimen of [[underlined]]Notemigonus chrysoleucus[[/underlined]].

[[underlined]]Dr. N.H.Jones, U.S.N.[[/underlined]], Accession 15474.

 A collection of fishes from Peru. Panama Bay & San José de Guatemala.

[[underlined]]Prof. D.S.Jordan[[/underlined]], Acc. 15585. Nos 36939-36948.

 Types of 4 new species of Florida fishes, also[[underlined]]Pomacentrus candalis & Acanthocybium solandri [[/underlined]] from Florida and four species from California.

[[underlined]]Prof. D.S.Jordan[[/underlined]]. Acc. 16058. Nos. 34976, 37189, 37190. 

The type of[[underlined]]Gnathypops mystacinus[[/underlined]]from Pensacola, Florida. A specimen of[[underlined]]Salmo purpuratus[[/underlined]]from Tacoma, Wash. Terr. and one of[[underlined]] Ammocœtes æpypterus[[/underlined]]( = niger, Raf.) , from Bean Blossom Creek, Indiana.

[[underlined]]Dr. Augustus C. Kinney, U.S.A.[[/underlined]]Acc. 15926. Nos. 37314-37329.

 A valuable collection of Oregon fishes mentioned in another place.