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[[underline]] Jordan, David S. & Meek, Seth G [[/underline]]- A review of the American species of flying fishes (Exocoetus [[I think]])
< Proc. U.S Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 44-67

[[underline]] Leidy, Dr. Joseph [[/underline]]- Bothriocephalus in a Trout.
< Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1885, 122,
[Bothriocephalus (Dibothrium) cestus, n.s., based on specimens taken from [[underline]] salvelinus [[/underline]] sp. collected at Ungava, Labrador, by L. M. Turner.]

[[underline]] Nye, Willard, Jr. [[/underline]]- Notes upon octopus, Flying fish, &c., taken durnig the Albatross cruise in January, 1884.
Bull. U.S.F.C. 1885, 189-190, June 29, 1885

[[underline]] Ryder, John A. [[/underline]]- On the development of viviparius osseus [[I think]] fishes (with plates VI-XI).
< Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 128-155.

[[underline]] Ryder, John A. [[/underline]]- On certain features of the development of the salmon. (with plate XII).
< Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, 156-162.

[[underline]] Ryder, John A. [[/underline]]- Note on the male organs of the eel.
Bull. U.S.F.C. 1885, 1-3, Jan. 19, 1885

[[underline]] Ryder, John A. [[/underline]]- Directions for collecting Embriotic [[not sure]] Fish Embryos.
Bull. U.S.F.C., 1885, 32, Jan. 19, 1885