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Prof. D. S. Jordan, Bloomington, Ind.
Accession 17173; Cat 37747-50.
this small collection contained the types of [[underlined]] Chætodori aya [[/underlined]] and of [[underlined]] [[Hewishonibus æthalion [[/underlined]].

Louis Lager, Aberdeen, Dakota.
Accession 16921; Cat. 37391.
Specimens of [[underlined]] Prinephales promelas [[/underlined]] from an artesian well.

Wm Montgomery, Verona, Missouri,
Accession 17210; Cat. 37782-84.
Three specimens of Rainbow trout, [[underlined]] Salmo irideus [[/underlined]], which were introduced into the Ozark region [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] of Missouri by the N. S. Fish Commission.