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Silas Stearns, Pensacola, Fla.
Accession 17177; Cat. 37751.
A fine specimen of [[underlined]] Epinephelus flavolimbatus [[/underlined]], which is now said to be the adult form of [[underlined]] E. niveatus [[/underlined]] C. & V.

Dr. T. H. Streets, U. S. Navy.
Accession 16890; Cat. 37583-619.
Two kegs of Alaskan fishes containing twenty-eight species.

C. H. Townsend, U. S. National Museum.
A collection of Alaskan fishes pricipally from Kowak River, northern Alaska. This collection contains the Pike, [[underlined]] Esox [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] mobiliar [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] lucius [[/unerlined]], and the lake trout, [[underlined]] Salvelinus namaycush. [[/underlined]]