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[[double underlined]]Shufeldt, Dr. R. W..[[/double underlined]] — The osteology of Amia calva, including certain special references to the skeleton of Teleosteans.
Fourteen plates. One figure.

[[strikethrough]]([[/strikethrough]][[underlined]]Rep. U.S. Come. Fish & Fisheries, Part XI,[[/underlined]] pp. 747-878 (also as a separate.)

[[double underlined]]Stearns, Silas[[/double underlined]]. — Notes of the Great Dolphin, [[underlined]]Coryphæna hippurus[[/underlined]], Linn.

[[strikethrough]]([[/strikethrough]][[underlined]]Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., VIII,[[/underlined]] Dec.7, 1885, p.635[[strikethrough]])[[/strikethrough]]