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[[underlined]] America, British, [[/underlined]] continued.

1869. Rev. W. W. Kirby, Fort Simpson, H.B.T.

1872. Dr. J. B. GIlpin, Nova Scotia & Labrador

1874. A. G. Wilkinson, British Provinces

1875. Rev. W. W. Kirby   Hundson's Bay.

1877. U.S.F.C. Str. Speedwell. Halifax, Nova Scotia.

1879. N. P. Scudder, Grand Banks, Newfoundland.

1881. Dr. Robert Bell, Hudson's Bay Terr.

1881. Walton Hayden, Hudson's Bay Terr.

1882. W. A. Stearns, Labrador.

^[[insertion]] 1882. Winnipeg Hist. & Sci. Soc. Manitoba. (Exchange). 
1882. L. M. Turner, Labrador.
1883. L. M. Turner, Labrador. [[/insertion]]

1884. Walton Hayden, Hudson's Bay.

1884. L. M. Turner, Labrador.

1885. L. M. Turner, Labrador