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The species which were previously unknown to or rare in the area [[strikethrough]]covered[[/strikethrough]] embraced by the operations of the fleet are named below. 
It may be remarked that the number of invertebrates first credited to the Gloucester men is much larger than that representing the fish.

1878. [[underline]]Macrurus fabricii[[/underline]].

1879. [[underline]]Coryphaenoides rupestris[[/underline]],

1879. [[underline]]Lycodes vahlii[[/underline]],

1878. [[underline]]Anarrhichas latifrons[[/underline]],

1879. [[underline]]Anarrhichas minor[[/underline]],

1879. [[underline]]Eumicrotremus spinosus[[underline]],

1880. [[underline]]Chiasmodus niger[[/underline]],