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[[underlined]]Mexico[[/underlined]], continued.

1868. Dr. F. Sumichrast, Orizaba.

1869. Dr. Chas Sartorius,
1870. Dr. F. Sumichrast, Tehauntepec.
1871. Dr. Spear, Tehauntepec.
1871. Prof. F. Sumichrast.

1872. Prof. F. Sumichrast.

1874. John Potts.
1874. U. S. Navy, Bureau of Navigation, U. S. Str. Tuscarona. Comr. G. E. Belknap. Lower California & Gulf of California.

1878. Dr. Don Alfredo Dugès, Guanajuato.

1881. Dr. Don Alfredo Dugès.

1881. Prof. C. H. Gilbert, Mazatlan.

1882. Dr. Don Alfredo Dugès.

1882. Prof. C. H. Gilbert, Mazatlan.