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Nov. 17, 1886.    Acc. 18275.    Cat. 38230.
A.F. Clapp, Sunbury, Penn'a

One specimen of lamprey,[[underlined]] Petromyzon marimus[[/underlined]], juv. from the Susquehanna River, at Sunbury.

Nov. 17.    Acc. 18278.    Cat. 38221-4.
W.A. Wilcox, Gloucester, Mass.

Four specimens of [[underlined]]Chimaera affinis[[/underlined]] ([[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]).

Nov. 26.    Acc. 18316.   Cat. 38318.
W.A. Wilcox.

Sword of a sword-fish, [[underlined]]Xiphias gladius[[/underlined]], that killed Capt. Franklin D. Langsford, of Lanesville, Mass.  Wounded Aug. 9th & died Aug. 12, 1886.