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Apr.16,1887.  Acc.    Cat. 39073.

Hybrid trout from Wytheville, Va. resulting fertilizing eggs of [[underlined]]Salmo irideus[[/underlined]] with milt of [[underlined]]Salvelinus fontinalis[[/underlined]]. A beautiful fish strongly resembling a similar cross between [[underlined]]Salmo fario[[/underlined]] & [[underlined]]Salvelinus alpinus[[/underlined]] in Norway.

Apr.21.  Acc.18965. Cat. 39074.
U.S.F.C., Washington, D.C.

One fresh [[underlined]]Salmo purpuratus[[/underlined]], which was received at the Armory in December 1885 from Colorado. It was kept at the Armory two months when it was sent to Wytheville, where it remained until Apr. 1, 1887. Sent to Armory. Died Apr.21st.