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List of Papers Published

[[double underlined]]Tarleton H. Bean [[/double underlined]]  Cruise of the "Grampus" on the southern Mackerel Grounds.

[[underlined]]Boston Herald[[/underlined]] May 9, May 26, June 6, 1887.

[[double underlined]]Tarleton H. Bean [[/double underlined]] (Translator).  Extract from the Report of A. Annaniassen on his voyage to Iceland.*

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* From [[underlined]]Selskabet for de norske Fiskeries Fremme, Aarsberetning[[/underlined]] 1883, pp.3-10.

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[[underlined]]Rep. U.S. Fish Comm., XII, 1886[[/underlined]], 309-313.

[[double underlined]]Tarleton H. Bean[[/double underlined]]. (See, also, under [[double underlined]]Goode[[/double underlined]] and [[double underlined]]Bean[[/double underlined]]).