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[[double underlined]]Charles H. Gilbert[[/double underlined]] Descriptions of new and little known Etheostomoids.

[[underlined]] Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.[[/underlined]], X, 47-64

The species are all referred to [[underlined]]Etheostoma[[/underlined]] with [[underlined]]Ulocentra, Cottogaster, Hadsopterus, Rhothoeca, Ethoestoma, [[/underlined]]and[[underlined Alvarius[[/underlined]] as subgeneric subdivisions.

[[underlined]]Ulocentra histrio, Cottogaster uranidea, Hadropterus, ouachitæ, H. squamatus, H. cymatotænia, H. nianguæ, Rhothoeca blennius, R. rupestre, Etheostoma luteovincturn, E. parvipinne, E. tuscumbia, Alvarius fonticola,[[/underlined]] nn. spp.; [[underlined Etheostoma nianguæ spilotum, E. whipplei alabamæ[[/underlined]] nn. spp.

[[double underlined]]Charles H. Gilbert[[/double underlined]], See under [[double underlined]]Jordan[[/double underlined]] and [[double underlined]]Gilbert[[/double underlined]]